Are you ready for Luminary Leadership?

So many of us are still dealing with the grief and uncertainty that the post pandemic world is unraveling before us. Each leader, team manager and every individual is now reckoning with what the outcomes could be.

Meghan article on backpack

Picture a woman, of medium height and weight, quite inconspicuous, she is in a busy street during rush hour, she is walking up the crowded street of scurrying daily commuters heading to work. She is suited up in her smart navy two-piece ensemble, sensible shoes and all set for the all-important morning meeting which she will lead.


But there is something rather odd about this particular woman, if anyone would stop and observe closely…

Growth Mindset : Science or Pseudoscience

Some people see challenges as a puzzle to solve while some see then as an opportunity to grow. Others see obstacles as threats. Still others see obstacles as a ‘sign’ they cannot succeed.


6 Easy Ways to Build a Growth Mindset

Picture a woman, of medium height and weight, quite inconspicuous, she is in a busy street during rush hour, she is walking up the crowded street of scurrying daily commuters heading to work. She is suited up in her smart navy two-piece ensemble, sensible shoes and all set for the all-important morning meeting which she will lead.


But there is something rather odd about this particular woman, if anyone would stop and observe closely…

Grit or Flow Controversy

On a conference in Amsterdam few years back I caught the intriguing talk by a journalist who interviewed worldwide successful people, like there are many nowadays, both people interviewing successful people and successful people too. He and I had a debate at the end of it about Carol Dwecks’ research on growth mindset which silenced me.

The difference between being 'busy' and being productive.

There are so many skills being practiced by the most successful people. Hard to find the most important one, but really easy to see how time is one of the most important themes in many of them. Learning to master time can promote us all into higher achievements and levels of productivity, little else can. You need no serious talent, just devotion and practice.

The Flow State for Revolutionary Leadership

U.P., or Ultimate Peak Performance is a trend these days inspiring start up businesses to grow to 6 figure businesses more than ever before. Athletes break their own world records more than before. Even bursting numbers of women entrepreneurs and female run businesses are fast running examples of the impressive propensity to actualise and break our own glass ceilings available to us in our society these days.

You are a Genius.

“when one commits oneself fully, all sorts of things occur that otherwise would have not, providence moves with us and such boldness has magic, power and genius in it”. Goethe

The Unique Distinctive Qualities in Female Leadership

Women have distinctive management styles and leadership qualities. Female leaders have many of the same qualities as their male colleagues. Especially an ability to set high goals and inspire others to full fill them, but women are different in some particular ways that make them valuable additions to decision making teams.

Psychological Benefits of Rhythm

“…the drum has been used since time immemorial as a regular part of healing traditions…”

The Neuropsychology of Drumming

The scientific research into drummers’ brains, is an expanding area of neuroscience and psychology that debunks dorky drummer jokes. Often not taken seriously, drummers are teased for not qualifying as ‘proper’ musicians. Well, a link between intelligence, timing and the problem solving in drummers, is fast confirming that they might just be ‘natural intellectuals’.

A Higher LoveLife

Do you feel loved in your life ?

Do you have the support you always wished for ?

Do you avoid intimacy or defend your independence over relationships ?

Women s' Higher Scores in Leadership vs. Absence Leading

It is enlightening to witness how many women are being granted leadership roles, in many industries, including governmental roles. For example many women declared their candidacy to be their party’s presidential nominee in the USA and the amount of women being granted leadership roles in the Finish government.

How to Embrace the Global Movement for Change

This is a testimony I wrote shortly after the Mini summit in May 2020 held by Women of Truth inspiring me to delve further into the topic of sustainability and into the pursuit of global change.

The Truth About Women s' Health

10 ways to grow up !

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